# Style

This section describes the instance properties of the Style class.

# properties

# fill

 * @description Rgba value of graph fill color 
 * @type {Array<Number>}
 * @default fill = [0, 0, 0, 1]

# stroke

 * @description Rgba value of graph stroke color 
 * @type {Array<Number>}
 * @default stroke = [0, 0, 0, 1]

# opacity

 * @description Opacity of graph
 * @type {Number}
 * @default opacity = 1

# lineCap

 * @description LineCap of Ctx
 * @type {Null|String}
 * @default lineCap = null
 * @example lineCap = 'butt'|'round'|'square'

# lineJoin

 * @description Linejoin of Ctx
 * @type {Null|String}
 * @default lineJoin = null
 * @example lineJoin = 'round'|'bevel'|'miter'

# lineDash

 * @description LineDash of Ctx
 * @type {Null|Array<Number>}
 * @default lineDash = null
 * @example lineDash = [10, 10]

# lineDashOffset

 * @description LineDashOffset of Ctx
 * @type {Null|Number}
 * @default lineDashOffset = null
 * @example lineDashOffset = 10

# shadowBlur

 * @description ShadowBlur of Ctx
 * @type {Number}
 * @default shadowBlur = 0

# shadowColor

 * @description Rgba value of graph shadow color 
 * @type {Array<Number>}
 * @default shadowColor = [0, 0, 0, 0]

# shadowOffsetX

 * @description ShadowOffsetX of Ctx
 * @type {Number}
 * @default shadowOffsetX = 0

# shadowOffsetY

 * @description ShadowOffsetY of Ctx
 * @type {Number}
 * @default shadowOffsetY = 0

# lineWidth

 * @description LineWidth of Ctx
 * @type {Number}
 * @default lineWidth = 0

# graphCenter

 * @description Center point of the graph
 * @type {Null|Array<Number>}
 * @default graphCenter = null
 * @example graphCenter = [10, 10]

# scale

 * @description Graph scale
 * @type {Null|Array<Number>}
 * @default scale = null
 * @example scale = [1.5, 1.5]

# rotate

 * @description Graph rotation degree
 * @type {Null|Number}
 * @default rotate = null
 * @example rotate = 10

# translate

 * @description Graph translate distance
 * @type {Null|Array<Number>}
 * @default translate = null
 * @example translate = [10, 10]

# hoverCursor

 * @description Cursor status when hover
 * @type {String}
 * @default hoverCursor = 'pointer'
 * @example hoverCursor = 'default'|'pointer'|'auto'|'crosshair'|'move'|'wait'|...

# fontStyle

 * @description Font style of Ctx
 * @type {String}
 * @default fontStyle = 'normal'
 * @example fontStyle = 'normal'|'italic'|'oblique'

# fontVarient

 * @description Font varient of Ctx
 * @type {String}
 * @default fontVarient = 'normal'
 * @example fontVarient = 'normal'|'small-caps'

# fontWeight

 * @description Font weight of Ctx
 * @type {String|Number}
 * @default fontWeight = 'normal'
 * @example fontWeight = 'normal'|'bold'|'bolder'|'lighter'|Number

# fontSize

 * @description Font size of Ctx
 * @type {Number}
 * @default fontSize = 10

# fontFamily

 * @description Font family of Ctx
 * @type {String}
 * @default fontFamily = 'Arial'

# textAlign

 * @description TextAlign of Ctx
 * @type {String}
 * @default textAlign = 'center'
 * @example textAlign = 'start'|'end'|'left'|'right'|'center'

# textBaseline

 * @description TextBaseline of Ctx
 * @type {String}
 * @default textBaseline = 'middle'
 * @example textBaseline = 'top'|'bottom'|'middle'|'alphabetic'|'hanging'

# gradientColor

 * @description The color used to create the gradient
 * @type {Null|Array<String>}
 * @default gradientColor = null
 * @example gradientColor = ['#000', '#111', '#222']

# gradientType

 * @description Gradient type
 * @type {String}
 * @default gradientType = 'linear'
 * @example gradientType = 'linear' | 'radial'

# gradientParams

 * @description Gradient params
 * @type {Array<Number>}
 * @default gradientParams = null
 * @example gradientParams = [x0, y0, x1, y1] (Linear Gradient)
 * @example gradientParams = [x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1] (Radial Gradient)

# gradientWith

 * @description When to use gradients
 * @type {String}
 * @default gradientWith = 'stroke'
 * @example gradientWith = 'stroke' | 'fill'

# gradientStops

 * @description Gradient color stops
 * @type {String|Array<Number>}
 * @default gradientStops = 'auto'
 * @example gradientStops = 'auto' | [0, .2, .3, 1]

# colors

 * @description Extended color that supports animation transition
 * @type {Array<String>|Object}
 * @default colors = null
 * @example colors = ['#000', '#111', '#222', 'red']
 * @example colors = { a: '#000', b: '#111' }


Gradient is automatically enabled when gradientColor and gradientParams are configured.

# prototype

# getStyle

 * @description Get the current style configuration
 * @return {Object} Style configuration
Style.prototype.getStyle = function () {