# Basic graphics
The plugin has a rich set of basic graphics built in. Here are the related examples, you can also try to drag them.
# circle
shape attribute
Attribute name | Type | Default | Annotation |
rx | Number | 0 | Center x-axis coordinate. |
ry | Number | 0 | Center r-axis coordinate. |
r | Number | 0 | Circle radius. |
Click to expand or collapse
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
return {
name: 'circle',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
rx: w / 2,
ry: h / 2,
r: 50
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { r: 70 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { r: 50 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0 })
# ellipse
shape attribute
Attribute name | Type | Default | Annotation |
rx | Number | 0 | Center x-axis coordinate. |
ry | Number | 0 | Center y-axis coordinate. |
hr | Number | 0 | Horizontal axis radius. |
vr | Number | 0 | Vertical axis radius. |
Click to expand or collapse
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
return {
name: 'ellipse',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
rx: w / 2,
ry: h / 2,
hr: 80,
vr: 30
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
scale: [1, 1],
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { scale: [1.5, 1.5], shadowBlur: 20 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { scale: [1, 1], shadowBlur: 0 })
# rect
shape attribute
Attribute name | Type | Default | Annotation |
x | Number | 0 | The x coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle. |
y | Number | 0 | The y coordinate of the top left corner of the rectangle. |
w | Number | 0 | Rectangle width. |
h | Number | 0 | Rectangle height. |
Click to expand or collapse
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const rectWidth = 200
const rectHeight = 50
return {
name: 'rect',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
x: w / 2 - rectWidth / 2,
y: h / 2 - rectHeight / 2,
w: rectWidth,
h: rectHeight
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer',
translate: [0, 0]
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { w: 400 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, translate: [-100, 0] })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { w: 200 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, translate: [0, 0] })
# ring
shape attribute
Attribute name | Type | Default | Annotation |
rx | Number | 0 | Center x-axis coordinate. |
ry | Number | 0 | Center y-axis coordinate. |
r | Number | 0 | Ring radius. |
Click to expand or collapse
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
return {
name: 'ring',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
rx: w / 2,
ry: h / 2,
r: 50
style: {
stroke: '#9ce5f4',
lineWidth: 20,
hoverCursor: 'pointer',
shadowBlur: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, lineWidth: 30 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, lineWidth: 20 })
# arc
shape attribute
Attribute name | Type | Default | Annotation |
rx | Number | 0 | Center x-axis coordinate. |
ry | Number | 0 | Center y-axis coordinate. |
r | Number | 0 | Arc radius. |
startAngle | Number | 0 | Arc start angle. |
endAngle | Number | 0 | Arc end angle. |
clockWise | Boolean | true | Clockwise |
Click to expand or collapse
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
return {
name: 'arc',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
rx: w / 2,
ry: h / 2,
r: 60,
startAngle: 0,
endAngle: Math.PI / 3
style: {
stroke: '#9ce5f4',
lineWidth: 20,
shadowBlur: 0,
rotate: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, rotate: -30, lineWidth: 30 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI / 3 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0, lineWidth: 20 })
# sector
shape attribute
Attribute name | Type | Default | Annotation |
rx | Number | 0 | Center x-axis coordinate. |
ry | Number | 0 | Center y-axis coordinate. |
r | Number | 0 | Sector radius. |
startAngle | Number | 0 | Sector start angle. |
endAngle | Number | 0 | Sector end angle. |
clockWise | Boolean | true | Clockwise |
Click to expand or collapse
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
return {
name: 'sector',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
rx: w / 2,
ry: h / 2,
r: 60,
startAngle: 0,
endAngle: Math.PI / 3
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
rotate: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI, r: 70 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, rotate: -30, lineWidth: 30 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI / 3, r: 60 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0, lineWidth: 20 })
# regPolygon
shape attribute
Attribute name | Type | Default | Annotation |
rx | Number | 0 | Center x-axis coordinate. |
ry | Number | 0 | Center y-axis coordinate. |
r | Number | 0 | Circumradius. |
side | Number | 0 | Edge number. |
Click to expand or collapse
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
return {
name: 'regPolygon',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
rx: w / 2,
ry: h / 2,
r: 60,
side: 6
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
hoverCursor: 'pointer',
shadowBlur: 0,
rotate: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI, r: 100 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, rotate: 180 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('shape', { endAngle: Math.PI / 3, r: 60 }, true)
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0 })
# polyline
shape attribute
Attribute name | Type | Default | Annotation |
points | Array | [] | The points that makes up the polyline. |
close | Boolean | false | Whether to close the polyline. |
Click to expand or collapse
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const top = h / 3
const bottom = h / 3 * 2
const gap = w / 10
const beginX = w / 2 - gap * 2
const points = new Array(5).fill('').map((t, i) =>
[beginX + gap * i, i % 2 === 0 ? top : bottom])
return {
name: 'polyline',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
style: {
stroke: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
lineWidth: 10,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0 })
# polyline (closed)
Click to expand or collapse
import { deepClone } from '../../CRender/plugin/util'
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const top = h / 3
const bottom = h / 3 * 2
const gap = w / 10
const beginX = w / 2 - gap * 2
const points = new Array(5).fill('').map((t, i) =>
[beginX + gap * i, i % 2 === 0 ? top : bottom])
points[2][1] += top * 1.3
return {
name: 'polyline',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
close: true
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
lineWidth: 10,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20 }, true)
const pointsCloned = deepClone(this.shape.points)
pointsCloned[2][1] += top * 0.3
this.animation('shape', { points: pointsCloned })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0 }, true)
const pointsCloned = deepClone(this.shape.points)
pointsCloned[2][1] -= top * 0.3
this.animation('shape', { points: pointsCloned })
# smoothline
shape attribute
Attribute name | Type | Default | Annotation |
points | Array | [] | The points that makes up the smoothline. |
close | Boolean | false | Whether to close the smoothline. |
Click to expand or collapse
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const top = h / 3
const bottom = h / 3 * 2
const gap = w / 10
const beginX = w / 2 - gap * 2
const points = new Array(5).fill('').map((t, i) =>
[beginX + gap * i, i % 2 === 0 ? top : bottom])
return {
name: 'smoothline',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
style: {
stroke: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
lineWidth: 10,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0 })
# smoothline (closed)
Click to expand or collapse
import { getCircleRadianPoint } from '../../CRender/plugin/util'
function getPoints (radius, centerPoint, pointNum) {
const PIDived = Math.PI * 2 / pointNum
const points = new Array(pointNum).fill('')
.map((foo, i) =>
getCircleRadianPoint(...centerPoint, radius, PIDived * i)
return points
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const radius = h / 3
const centerPoint = [w / 2, h / 2]
return {
name: 'smoothline',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
points: getPoints(radius, centerPoint, 3),
close: true
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
lineWidth: 10,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20, rotate: 120 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0, rotate: 0 })
setGraphCenter (e, { style }) {
if (e) {
const { movementX, movementY } = e
const [cx, cy] = style.graphCenter
style.graphCenter = [cx + movementX, cy + movementY]
} else {
style.graphCenter = [...centerPoint]
# bezierCurve
shape attribute
Attribute name | Type | Default | Annotation |
points | Array | [] | The points that makes up the bezierCurve. |
close | Boolean | false | Whether to close the bezierCurve. |
Click to expand or collapse
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const offsetX = w / 2
const offsetY = h / 2
const points = [
// 起始点
[-100 + offsetX, -50 + offsetY],
// N组贝塞尔曲线数据
// 贝塞尔曲线控制点1,控制点2,结束点
[0 + offsetX, -50 + offsetY],
[0 + offsetX, 50 + offsetY],
[100 + offsetX, 50 + offsetY]
return {
name: 'bezierCurve',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
style: {
lineWidth: 10,
stroke: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0 })
# bezierCurve (closed)
Click to expand or collapse
import { getCircleRadianPoint } from '../../CRender/plugin/util'
function getPetalPoints (insideRadius, outsideRadius, petalNum, petalCenter) {
const PI2Dived = Math.PI * 2 / (petalNum * 3)
let points = new Array(petalNum * 3).fill('')
.map((foo, i) =>
i % 3 === 0 ? insideRadius : outsideRadius,
PI2Dived * i)
const startPoint = points.shift()
points = new Array(petalNum).fill('')
.map(foo => points.splice(0, 3))
return points
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const petalCenter = [w / 2, h / 2]
const [raidus1, raidus2, raidus3, raidus4] = [h / 6, h / 2.5, h / 3, h / 2]
return {
name: 'bezierCurve',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
points: getPetalPoints(raidus1, raidus2, 6, petalCenter),
close: true
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
shadowBlur: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer'
mouseEnter (e, { style: { graphCenter } }) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 20, shadowBlur: 20 }, true)
this.animation('shape', { points: getPetalPoints(raidus3, raidus4, 6, graphCenter) })
mouseOuter (e, { style: { graphCenter } }) {
this.animation('style', { lineWidth: 10, shadowBlur: 0 }, true)
this.animation('shape', { points: getPetalPoints(raidus1, raidus2, 6, graphCenter) })
setGraphCenter (e, { style }) {
if (e) {
const { movementX, movementY } = e
const [cx, cy] = style.graphCenter
style.graphCenter = [cx + movementX, cy + movementY]
} else {
style.graphCenter = [...petalCenter]
# text
shape attribute
Attribute name | Type | Default | Annotation |
content | String | '' | Text content. |
position | Array | [0, 0] | Text start position. |
maxWidth | Number | Undefined | Maximum width of the text. |
rowGap | Number | 0 | Gap between row and row. |
Click to expand or collapse
export default function (render) {
const { area: [w, h] } = render
const centerPoint = [w / 2, h / 2]
const hoverRect = [w / 2 - 100, h / 2 - 30 ,200, 60]
return {
name: 'text',
animationCurve: 'easeOutBack',
hover: true,
drag: true,
shape: {
content: 'CRender',
position: centerPoint,
maxWidth: 200
style: {
fill: '#9ce5f4',
fontSize: 50,
shadowBlur: 0,
rotate: 0,
shadowColor: '#66eece',
hoverCursor: 'pointer',
scale: [1, 1],
rotate: 0
mouseEnter (e) {
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 20, scale: [1.5, 1.5], rotate: 30 })
mouseOuter (e) {
this.animation('style', { shadowBlur: 0, scale: [1, 1], rotate: 0 })
moved (e, { hoverRect }) {
const { movementX, movementY } = e
hoverRect[0] += movementX
hoverRect[1] += movementY
Graph of text should be configured with hoverRect
to support mouse events.You can use \n
to implement multiple lines of text.
← Style