# Graph

Here we will introduce the Graph class, such as instance properties, prototype methods, and lifecycle.

# properties

Here is an introduction to the Graph instance properties, which you can configure when adding graphics.

# visible

 * @description Weather to render graph
 * @type {Boolean}
 * @default visible = true

# shape

 * @description Graph shape data
 * @type {Object}

# style

 * @description Graph style data (Instance of Style)
 * @type {Style}

# drag

 * @description Whether to enable drag
 * @type {Boolean}
 * @default drag = false

# hover

 * @description Whether to enable hover
 * @type {Boolean}
 * @default hover = false

# index

 * @description Graph rendering index
 *  Give priority to index high graph in rendering
 * @type {Number}
 * @default index = 1

# animationDelay

 * @description Animation delay time(ms)
 * @type {Number}
 * @default animationDelay = 0

# animationFrame

 * @description Number of animation frames
 * @type {Number}
 * @default animationFrame = 30

# animationCurve

 * @description Animation easing curve
 * @type {String}
 * @default animationCurve = 'linear'

# animationPause

 * @description Weather to pause graph animation
 * @type {Boolean}
 * @default animationPause = false

# hoverRect

 * @description Rectangular hover detection zone
 *  Use this method for hover detection first
 * @type {Null|Array<Number>}
 * @default hoverRect = null
 * @example hoverRect = [0, 0, 100, 100] // [Rect start x, y, Rect width, height]

# mouseEnter

 * @description Mouse enter event handler
 * @type {Null|Function}
 * @default mouseEnter = null

# mouseOuter

 * @description Mouse outer event handler
 * @type {Null|Function}
 * @default mouseOuter = null

# click

 * @description Mouse click event handler
 * @type {Null|Function}
 * @default click = null


Enable mouseEnter, mouseOuter, click event support requires configuring the hover property of the graph to true. Extended new graph require the hoverCheck method to be configured to provide event support.

# prototype

Here is an introduction to the Graph prototype method.

# attr

 * @description Update graph state
 * @param {String} attrName Updated attribute name
 * @param {Any} change      Updated value
 * @return {Undefined} Void
Graph.prototype.attr = function (attrName, change = undefined) {
	// ...

# animation

 * @description Update graphics state (with animation)
 *  Only shape and style attributes are supported
 * @param {String} attrName Updated attribute name
 * @param {Any} change      Updated value
 * @param {Boolean} wait    Whether to store the animation waiting
 * 							for the next animation request
 * @return {Promise} Animation Promise
Graph.prototype.animation = async function (attrName, change, wait = false) {
	// ...

# animationEnd

 * @description Skip to the last frame of animation
 * @return {Undefined} Void
Graph.prototype.animationEnd = function () {
    // ...

# pauseAnimation

 * @description Pause animation behavior
 * @return {Undefined} Void
Graph.prototype.pauseAnimation = function () {
    // ...

# playAnimation

 * @description Try animation behavior
 * @return {Undefined} Void
Graph.prototype.playAnimation = function () {
    // ...

# Life Cycle

When you add graph to the render, you can configure the following functions in the configuration, they will be called at a specific time.

# added

 * @description Called after the graphics are added
 * @param {Graph} Graph instance
config = {
  added ({ shape, style }) {
    // do something...

# beforeDraw

 * @description Called before the drawing is drawn,
 *  the graphic style has been initialized.
 *  You can modify the ctx property before drawing.
 * @param {Graph} Graph instance
 * @param {CRender} CRender instance
config = {
  beforeDraw ({ shape, style }, { ctx }) {
    // do something...
    ctx.stroke = 'transparent'

# drawed

 * @description Called after the drawing is completed
 * @param {Graph} Graph instance
 * @param {CRender} CRender instance
config = {
  drawed ({ shape, style }, { ctx }) {
    // do something...

# beforeMove

 * @description Called before moving the graphic,
 *  before the drag behavior occurs
 * @param {Event} Mouse event
 * @param {Graph} Graph instance
config = {
  beforeMove ({ offsetX, offsetY }, { shape, style }) {
    // do something...

# moved

 * @description Called after moving the graphic,
 *  after the drag behavior occurs
 * @param {Event} Mouse event
 * @param {Graph} Graph instance
config = {
  moved ({ offsetX, offsetY }, { shape, style }) {
    // do something...

# beforeDelete

 * @description Called before deleting the graphic
 * @param {Graph} Graph instance
config = {
  beforeDelete ({ shape, style }) {
    // do something...

# deleted

 * @description Called after the graphic is deleted
 * @param {Graph} Graph instance
config = {
  deleted ({ shape, style }) {
    // do something...